My Summer days in Holland 2018 !〜cycling Eco life !

Very happy to be back in Holland now !!! Enjoying cycling to a nice village.

I found a very cozy cafe.

Croissant, spelt muesli cookie and Detox fresh juice.

In this cafe, they use glass cups and iron straws !!! Very nice not to waste any plastic as I do not like plastic waste. So my mind and heart can relax and enjoy !

I met a small village band, they stopped in front of me and played one happy song for me ! Nice Dutch people !!!

Beautiful flower art in the village.

Bycle Path. More than 25% in Holland is under see level. So we need to be very aware and take good care of the earth. So it is good to use bikes as much as possible.

So I am enjoying Eco life Summer in Holland !!!

with Miracles 〜
