Happy Miracle New Year 2022! This year I spent the change of the year at a beautiful place in the nature close to Mt.Fuji & South Japan Alps !
So Big carrot 🥕! Miracle 😆!
South Japan Alps !
1st of Jan 2022! Very cold here and the pond is frozen!
Japanese Beauty! Vegetarian new year food, made with all hands with LOVE💖
At the Nirasaki station. Heart shape lightening ! I order my favorite Body & face cream from UK personally made by Emily.
Following my intuition, this time I ordered ” LOVE ” & ” Sacred LOVE” and ” LOVE & Light” 3 creams. Then she wrote back to me saying” This year `s number 2022 =2+0+2+2= 6 The year equals 6 in numerology, which is the number of love, so that is appropriate that you have chosen three from the different Love Ranges! ”
I am now reading a book called ‘The O Manuscript〜 The Seer The Magdalene The Grail’, by Lars Muhl. Deep enlightening book!!! He said: “Our heart sometimes broke open so Light can enter in that crack!” I totally understand and resonate with this ! Even pain of the heart ❤️ brings us Light✨ in the end.
Today (8th Jan) I visited Yume (dream) museum in Hachiouji Tokyo.
My favorite children`s book author Satoshi Kako, who is loved by so many Japanese kids. He died 93 years old in 2018. He left so much inspiration and joy to us. I am so happy to see his real paintings.
Near the museum, there is a French Gallet cafe called “Cafe De La Poste”. A Frenchman makes all the foods, so felt like I am back in France. Oh, I should start again learning my French, which never improves. 😆😆😆
Hope I can drive from Holland to France again soon !
Wishing you all a wonderful 2022, filled with LOVE 💖
with Love & Miracles ✨