Spring has came ! Today was so warm with 25 degree ! And I did a mini trip, 1 hour by train from Tokyo!
Treveling new place, you meet new friend 😆
Koma station!
Such a sweet fragrance✨ spring flower💖
New spring, new beginning !
Very nice nature area, called Kinchakudani !
In autumn, there is a carpet of red flowers here!
Old traditional house!
Alishan organic cafe !
Organic vegan lunch 😊 by the river !
Self Love 💖 with chai & vegan coconut cookies😊
Cute cats teaching me how to relax no matter what happens💖
Soon spring equinox will come ! New time, Aquarian age of truth, miracle and divine Love 💖
I am very much excited with focus on inner joy and stillness😊
Keep focusing on goodness and beauty of new spring !
with Love & Miracles〜