March 2023: Egypt Miracles 9✨Hurghada part 2〜 Beautiful Red Sea & Egyptian Culture (or culture shock✨😆)

My last 9 days I spent time here in Hurghada! I was so surprised that there are so many Russian tourists here. Of course, it is very warm with nearly 30 degree so it must be a paradise where snows falls⛄️. Very nice to see Russian families enjoying time here😊

AI Mina mosque.

In order to get inside mosque, female tourists need to hide arms, legs and all the hair. Seeing male tourists can enter with short pants and T shirts ! I do not like this at all. But just to see the inside once, I rented a dress just for very short time. Little extra patience needed only for women😆

Inside mosque.

There are several huge modern shopping malls here.

Very happy to see the Egyptian dance show. Many Egyptian families with small children are there. It said it would from 11 pm, actually it started from midnight and until 2 am it still continued ! I am very surprised but Egyptians say that it is a very common time in Egypt, even with children😆!

Show was very nice with all kinds of traditional different style Egyptian dances !

One of the best is called Tannura whirling dance.

Hurghada museum.

Meritamen, daughter & wife ( !? ) of RamsesⅡ!

Goddess Sekhmet !

Last day in Hurghada. Seeing beautiful Red Sea !

Egyptian vege lunch !

So happy to spend my last time in Egypt with a lovely couple who brought me to the Hurghada airport !

Egypt blog will continue as so many things to share !

Love & Miracles✨💖
