Soul Motion

” Soul Motion is about Love.”

” Trust, trust, trust ! All is well in this moment ! ”

” Patience brings everything ! ”

” Take risks and get out of familiar patterns.
Make big mistakes in the dance ! ”

” No one is watching your mistakes,
but everyone is watching your magnificence ! ”

By Vinn Marti.

Soul Motion is designed by Vinn Marti (Portland Oregon USA)

It is a spiritual practice of conscious movement & dance.Using the dance as language, we express our creative spirit within to freeourselves. Soul Motion creates safe space to reconnect with the truth of our heart and embody the authentic presence of our true self beyond our personality.

There are no steps to follow, we express ourselves freely and be conscious of what is happening NOW inside of us.

We dance alone, to practice the space of Soul in motion of ” I am OK, just who I am now. ”

We dance with a partner, to practice the space of Soul in Motion of ” I don`t need anything from you. ”

We dance with the group to practice the space of Soul in Motion of ” Everyone is needed in the group ! I have space and unique roles to play.”

Finally we come home to Infinite dance with divine, to practice the space of Soul in Motion of ” I am one with ALL-ONE. I restore myself fully into this divine grace beyond any words.”

Soul motion encourages each one of us to dance from inspiration rather than from memory. History into mystery and miracles of NOW.

You are invited to dance and practice Soul Motion !